Do You Take Your Music Career Seriously

– Posted in: Biz Booster Hot Tip! Booking Psychology
do you take your music career seriously
Do You Take Your Music Career Seriously - by Jeri Goldstein     

Do you take your music career seriously and completely believe in your act? Are you feeling worthy of higher fees for your work or to play the really, great gigs?


There you are, day after day, setting up your tour dates, talking with bookers, the media and fans. You convince people that you are talented and worthy. You want them to take you seriously, so they will book your act, review your shows and buy your tickets and merchandise.


I hear the same story from many artists. Often there is a slight sense of fear to ask for too much. There might be a shyness and a hesitancy when challenged to increase their fee or even ask for a dressing room, a hotel room or a hot meal before the show. Perhaps they don’t know it is possible. Sometimes, it is because they don’t feel like they could or should even ask.


Many artists sabotage their own growth and career development because they really and truly don’t take themselves seriously. I hope that is not you. You work so hard at your career. But, do you take your music career seriously to feel worthy of the higher fees and better gigs?


I have always been one to ask for things that will help my artists present their best show. And, I am always encouraged to realize what is possible when I just ask for what is needed.

Take Your Music Career Seriously

Often,  I hear about artists who trash an idea before they even speak with the other person who might make the idea become a reality. Make sure you are not negotiating on behalf of the other party. Let them consider your requests and decide for themselves what they can and cannot do or agree to provide. Don’t assume they won’t honor a request before they even hear it. That is simply insecurity talking. That is not taking your music career seriously.


When you believe you are worthy, no reasonable request ought to be out of reach. Think of it as helping to present your show in the best possible manner. When you value the work you are doing, it becomes much easier to convince others of your value and begin to increase your fees and go after your most desired gigs.


This week consider the most recent time when you talked yourself out of asking for a higher fee. Did you avoid asking for items that could help cut expenses? Before your next booking call or email, look over your list of items you request including your fee. Practice asking for a few more important items that you are not requesting currently. Rehearse asking for a higher fee than you are now. The worst that might happen is they say it’s not in the budget. The best is, they say, “Yes.” Mostly, consider how you feel about yourself and your work. Begin to take yourself more seriously, you are worth it. Then you can expect others to do the same. Make your next calls with more confidence. I think you’ll begin to see a change in your results.


When was the last time you asked for a higher fee? How did it feel? What can you do to take your music career more seriously so others will be eager to value your work with higher fees and the extras you deserve?


Leave me a comment below

I can’t wait to hear about your success.

Thanks to Carol Ehrlich for this week’s graphic image.
Check out her work at

Now, Thanks to the Band Curfew from the UK for providing the Biz Booster theme Music, Future Dance.

And for more career boosting tips, articles, books, resources, tele-seminars and online courses, visit me at

2 comments… add one
  • Martha Gallagher June 17, 2019, 9:22 am

    Thanks Jeri – it’s so important to be regularly reminded of this! Just what I needed to hear this morning 🙂

  • Cecilia St. King June 17, 2019, 10:25 am

    Good thing to wake up to this morning. Definitely needed to hear this. Planning on reviewing our entire class with all your gems of wisdom. Thanks for your good work.

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