Use Recurring Events As Anchor Dates

– Posted in: Biz Booster Hot Tip! Book the Gig
Use Recurring Events As Anchor Dates

Use Recurring Events As Anchor Dates - by Jeri Goldstein     

Let’s talk about how to use recurring events as anchor dates for booking your tours.

I’ve talked about how to use anchor dates to move your bookings forward in previous Biz Boosters.

Since we are moving into the summer and festival season, I thought I would use this week’s recurring event as a good example of how to plan far into the future.

Today is Memorial Day, a yearly holiday that kicks off festival season and outdoor summer fairs and concert series. It is an occasion that sparks parties and picnics throughout the weekend. It is a recurring event that you can plan on every year. Someone, some organization, some business is having some sort of party somewhere.

So how can you plan in advance for the multitude of potential performance opportunities that occur throughout the late spring, summer and early fall? How can you use recurring events as anchor dates to add multiple dates and expand an upcoming tour?

I’d start by paying attention to any media announcements about public events that are advertised or promoted this year. Look around your home town and make a list of any and all events in local papers, newsletters, entertainment sections of the weekend paper and weekly papers or that are announced on radio, TV or on social media. Note the presenting organization. Then as soon as the event is over, contact the event organizer to find out how you might be considered for next year’s event. If the organizer promotes other events throughout the year, this would also be a great time to ask about those events and throw your hat into the ring for consideration.

Are there specific events or festivals you have longed to be included as a performer? Then begin researching that event as well as the surrounding area. Start building a fan base in the area by tapping your fans who might live nearby. Send a specific email to your own fan base asking if anyone is organizing any events during this season or if they might consider doing something and have you as the entertainment, such as a house concert. If they are not personally planning something, then ask them if their business or organization might have planned something this year and could they refer you to the organizer.

Once you have an anchor date planned around a specific recurring event, you can build other dates around it on a regular basis. This might fit in perfectly with your touring pattern if you plan your tours to specific regions at specific times of the year.

Use special events or occasions to spark interest with potential organizations, businesses, venues or individuals. By calling about the specific event occurring at the time or recently, you have a talking point of particular interest to help move your conversation along. It just might lead to other events at other times as well.

Whenever you feel stuck and don’t know how to start a tour or where to look for your next gig, use recurring events as anchor dates to get your booking juices flowing again.

Have a great Memorial Day and think of our military, our Veterans and those who have served and will serve our country.

Do you use recurring events as anchor dates to book your tours? 

Leave me a comment below or on the Performingbiz Success Strategies Facebook page

I can’t wait to hear about your success.

Thanks to Carol Ehrlich for this week’s Biz Booster graphic image, “Use Recurring Events as Anchor Dates”

Now, Thanks to the Band Curfew from the UK for providing the Biz Booster theme Music, Future Dance. Check them out at

And for more career boosting tips, articles, books, resources, tele-seminars and online courses, visit me at

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