Remove Emotions When Making Career Building Decisions

– Posted in: Biz Booster Hot Tip! Goals & Planning

Remove Emotions When Making Career Decisions - by Jeri Goldstein     

Remove emotions when making career building decisions and you will make better choices.

How many times a day do you have to make a decision that might impact your career or even your life?

What factors do you use to help you make your final decision? Most people are influenced by their emotional response to any given situation. Heck, that’s what advertisers count on as do car sales people, real estate agents…you’ve been there. You remember, “So what color car do you see yourself driving.”
Emotional? You bet!

When it comes to your career, you need to consider the facts and remove your emotions as much as possible. Do you take a gig or not? Should you bring a three piece band instead of the duo? Do you fly or drive?  Should you accept the record deal or remain Independent?

The best way to remove emotions when making career building decisions is to follow the money, do the numbers and your decisions will become much easier. You’ll either chose one over the other based on concrete numbers that tell you, “You will lose money if you do this.” But, at least you know that going into it, especially when other peripheral factors make the deal worth more than the money.

Here are 6 steps to include when making career decisions, especially when it comes to booking your gigs:

  1. Create and use a budget for each gig or tour.
  2. Include all of your expenses before deciding on the gig fee.
  3. Negotiate any necessary contracts with side band members. Include per diems and their expenses in the budget before quoting gig fees.
  4. Amortize your expenses over the number of dates you intend to tour so you may quote appropriate fees.
  5. Ask the booking person about potential travel, housing and meal provisions to help defray your budget expenses. Sometimes they have hotel deals or provide you with meals or a meal allowance. If you don’t ask, they may not offer.
  6. Review the venue’s publicity and marketing plans when negotiating the gig. What will they do or have access to so you may include those peripheral benefits in your fee quotes.

Remove emotions when making career building decisions, booking gigs or negotiating any type of deal in order to advance your career. When you begin to think through your decisions with hard cold numbers in front of you, you simply make better decisions.

Do you make career decisions based on the facts or do you find yourself being influenced by your emotions?

Leave me a comment below or on the Performingbiz Success Strategies Facebook page

I can’t wait to hear about your success.

Now, Thanks to the Band Curfew from the UK for providing the Biz Booster theme Music, Future Dance. Check them out at

And for more career boosting tips, articles, books, resources, tele-seminars and online courses, visit me at

1 comment… add one
  • Jp Jones January 22, 2018, 11:32 am

    Absolutely, its called “music business” when you put down the information in clear and concise facts then you can come up with a budget. There are plenty of programs that exist for creating budgets that make it very easy on your phone. Personally, I use several programs to keep myself straight. But by far the most valuable tool I have is JOIST Estimating software for android/windows PC I am able to create an “estimate” based on the costs of the project. I utilize this program in my other businesses and naturally thought, “I could use this for my music business” with a little work you create a professional “quote” for your client. Talk to you next month, we have been making progress.

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