Maximizing Your Email Campaigns

– Posted in: Biz Booster Hot Tip! Marketing Your Act

Maximizing Your Email Campaigns - by Jeri Goldstein     

Are you maximizing your email campaigns?

Are your emails getting the response you want? Are your emails being opened or deleted?  Are your readers acting upon your suggestions in your emails?

Here are a few tips to help get your emails opened, read and acted upon:

  1. Personalize your emails. Too often an email arrives addressed to Hi Everyone, or Hello All, or Dear Friends. This is a sure fire way to get your email deleted. How do you feel when you get an email with a greeting, Hi Everyone?

         If your goal is to nurture your fans and keep in touch with them, make sure your email service     provides you with the ability to personalize the email with a first name. I’m sure you’ve collected people’s names when   they signed your list, now use their name to make a deeper connection.

        It is so easy to tell whether you are simply another person on a long random list of contacts that is     part of a huge email blitz when your name is not in the greeting. It is a bit harder to tell when the email IS personalized.

  1. Date your email in subject line and the body of the email. A dated email signifies currency and immediacy. It has been tested and shown that emails with a date in the subject line are opened 25% more often than those without a date.
  1. Keep your emails focused on one subject or purpose unless you are sending a newsletter—then give a brief list of topics you’ll be covering at the beginning of the newsletter. It is less likely that every topic is interesting to all of your fans and if they are given a link to jump to their topic of interest, you will hold their attention longer.

    Too often a non-newsletter email attempts to cover too many topics and neglects to ask the reader for a specific action. Think first what   you would like your reader to do when they   finish reading and direct all of their attention toward that action step.

So personalized, time-sensitive and topic specific emails will increase your email response rate and  connection with your fans. Try it on your next email campaign.

Are you maximizing your email campaigns? Does your email service offer you the opportunity to use the above suggestions?

    Next week: Some additional ways to keep connected with email

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Now, Thanks to the Band Curfew from the UK for providing the Biz Booster theme Music, “Future Dance.” Check them out at

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