Increasing your press coverage is certain to build your market recognition. In order to maximize your chances of getting your press releases inserted into various media outlets, give them something news-worthy. Here is a template that you can use to help you focus your attention on the news-worthy aspects of your projects.
Template for Your Project’s Press Release
Make an Impact
Make a list of a few ways in which your project can have an impact on the larger community. The media love to write about projects that reach deep into the community in unique and interesting ways. Perhaps there’s a local or national charity, organization, cause or event, with whom you have a relationship.
Perhaps your project has a specific message that can be used as the news item. Perhaps there is a specific theme, like the environment, business or kids. Maybe you involved a partner organization to create a benefit, and that adds an aspect to the project that broadens its newsworthy scope of appeal. With each new project, begin your marketing campaign well in advance of creating the project so you can incorporate this important aspect into each press release you send.
The Title
When writing the press release, it is paramount that your Press Release Title, feature the point of interest, the unique partnership or the benefit hoped for by this partnership. If we were to use a CD Release as an example, the first one, is what I want you to aim for and the second is one you should avoid.
Example 1: Local Water Service Teams with Songwriter to Teach Environmental Issues in Elementary School
Example 2: Joe Smith Sets CD Release Concerts in Elementary School
The difference is striking. The first one will get your name, your CD, your cause in the press in a more prominent way than Example #2.
The Opening Paragraph
The opening paragraph should lead with the point of interest, the organization, the charity, the cause or the partnership. The more details you can give about your unique collaboration or partnership, the more interesting the story is to the media. Try to get comfortable with the fact that by promoting the point of general interest you also promote yourself but in a more favorable manner. Yes, you slip slightly into the background of the story at first, it becomes slightly less forward and in-your-face self-promotion, but much more accessible to a larger audience.
Later Paragraphs
In the later paragraphs, you can talk more about the CD details, the musicians, the reason you recorded the CD and yes, even more, background information about you. But first, make it about the unique collaboration or item of interest.
Now your press release will have an impact, create a stir and most of all, motivate the media to seek you out for more in-depth information. They’ll look to your partner to write about them and in turn, your partner will talk about you, giving you, even more, coverage.
This template for writing press releases to promote your projects from the media’s perspective provides you with a much better chance of getting more coverage.
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* If you would like to reprint any of these articles, please contact Jeri Goldstein for permission.