Live Gig Procedures – COVID Style

– Posted in: Get Great Gigs Podcast Negotiation
Live Gig Procedures COVID Style

Many performers are beginning to accept gig offers for live performance situations and that is exciting. Some of your rescheduled gigs are now right around the corner. And, just like any live gig, you need to negotiate your contract and express your needs and requirements. You may need to review those upcoming gig contracts and reconnect with the presenters to make sure your new COVID needs are being considered. Normally, your contract riders, if you use one, includes any additional requirements to help ensure that you can present your best performance.

In these COVID times, circumstances are such that you need to include additional items during your negotiations, follow-up and advancing your gig procedures.

When speaking with various artists, I became aware that some of the issues I’ll discuss here, were not being considered.

So, in this episode, I’ll share my LIVE GIG PROCEDURES COVID STYLE so you can be well prepared for your return to live gigging.

First, be aware that there are many resources constantly being updated by the major organizations representing performing arts presenters, booking conferences, managers, and agents. Please check with organizations that best represent your act and the venues in which you regularly had perform. There, you are likely to get the most current thinking and operational procedures being implemented by the venues at the time to safely return to live gigs.

Check out this week’s episode – Live Gig Procedures COVID Style- Episode 012

If you have topics that are challenging you in your career and would like to suggest a topic for future podcasts, please leave your suggestions in the comments section below or on the Get Great Gigs Podcast website.

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The podcast is live on most podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes and many others.

You can find the show notes for each episode on the Get Great Gigs website:

Each new episode will be live on Monday morning, just like my Biz Booster Hot Tips.

Next week I’ll be speaking with Canadian singer, songwriter, keynote speaker, school and business workshop facilitator, sailor and most recently rower. Over the course of his career, he has created multiple programs that expanded his audiences, helping him get widespread media coverage and allowing him to use his songwriting, recording and producing skills.

Now check out this week’s interview: Live Gig Procedures COVID Style- Episode 012

Stay well, be creative and keep smiling behind your mask!


Thanks to Carol Ehrlich for designing the Get Great Gigs website and this week’s graphic image. Check out her work at  

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