How do you connect with industry professionals like agents, managers, radio DJs, festival, venue, and house concert talent buyers within the folk community? Where can you find the resources, advocacy efforts and events specifically designed to serve the folk community? Get the answers from the Executive Director of Folk Alliance International.
Folk Alliance International, a world-wide organization serves the folk music industry and community. Aengus shares the organization’s history and current efforts regarding conferences, advocacy, resources, and what the organization’s plans are, beyond COVID.
Check out this week’s episode: Aengus Finnan Interview – 010
If you have topics that are challenging you in your career and would like to suggest a topic for future podcasts, please leave your suggestions in the comments section below or on the Get Great Gigs Podcast website.
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The podcast is live on most podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes and many others.
You can find the show notes for each episode on the Get Great Gigs website:
Each new episode will be live on Monday morning, just like my Biz Booster Hot Tips.
Next week I’ll be speaking with Johnette Downing an author, recording artist, an educator, a multi- award-winning children’s performer and an ambassador of Louisiana Roots culture and arts around the world.
Now check out this week’s interview: Aengus Finnan- episode 010
Stay well, be creative and keep smiling behind your mask!
Thanks to Carol Ehrlich for designing the Get Great Gigs website and this week’s graphic image. Check out her work at