Hate Selling Yourself to Bookers

– Posted in: Biz Booster Hot Tip! Marketing Your Act
Hate Selling Yourself To Bookers

Hate Selling Yourself To Bookers - by Jeri Goldstein     

Hate selling yourself to bookers?

If you are like many of the artists I speak with each day, the thought of selling yourself to venue bookers is, well, challenging.

But, if not you, then who will spread the word about you?

How about letting the folks who have already experienced your music or performance tell your story? After all, their experience of your show is likely to be more exuberant than your description of what you do. If you hate selling yourself to bookers, use that third-party energy to sell yourself to new venues, festivals, house concert hosts, radio DJs or the media.

So here are my questions of the week for you:

1. Have you gotten back to previous fans and bookers to ask them for a quote or comment about your recent performance?

  1. Have you gotten back to them right after you played the show they presented or attended and asked how everything went?
  2. Have you come right out and asked them if they would mind sharing a comment with you that you might use on your site or in promotions?

By having these quotes handy, or testimonials, you can use someone elses comment about you and your performance to help sell you to a new venue. Use a past booking person or audience member as your sales team if you hate selling yourself to bookers. Let their enthusiasm spark new interest from your new contacts.

Checking in with previous presenters is not only a great habit to get into, but, it allows you yet another opportunity to book a gig next time you’re coming through their area along with grabbing their enthusiastic comment.

I’ve seen artist promo packets that are filled mostly with these kinds of audience quotes and venue booker comments. They work wonders and get you off the hook coming up with uncomfortable sounding superlatives when you try to sell yourself.

So start a new habit. Email some fans on your mailing list and ask them for their reactions to a recent show they attended. Call the venue you just played and ask the booker or your contact how things went for them and would they mind commenting on your show.

Using these comments will make your future booking calls much easier by letting your fans and previous bookers do the selling for you. Start with your very next gig.

Have you used testimonials to help you sell yourself?

Leave me a comment below or on the Performingbiz Success Strategies Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/PerformingbizSuccessStrategies.

I can’t wait to hear about your success.

Thanks to Carol Ehrlich for this week’s Biz Booster Image, “Hate Selling Yourself To Bookers.”

Now, Thanks to the Band Curfew from the UK for providing the Biz Booster theme Music, Futuredance. Check them out at www.curfew.co.uk

And for more career boosting tips, articles, books, resources, teleseminars and online courses, visit me at Performingbiz.com

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