Great Things From Leftovers

– Posted in: Biz Booster Hot Tip! Goals & Planning
Great Things From Leftovers
Great Things From Leftovers - by Jeri Goldstein     

This is the perfect time for making great things from leftovers.

I cook so I can have leftovers. In fact, I plan my meals with the intention of creating leftovers. Holidays offer a perfect opportunity for leftovers.

I think about the holiday season as the leftovers of the prime time for touring. You have about a month when booking personnel are either scrambling to finish their bookings or they are done and not taking any calls.

You have returned from most of your intentional tours and are either playing holiday gigs or laying low, trying to book late year gigs for the coming winter. These are the leftover days of the year.

During this time I like to make use of these days by clearing out stuff from last year and make plans or revisit plans for the new year.

Here are a few ideas of how to turn these leftover days of this year into a great things for the next.

  1. Pull out all this past year’s contracts and make a list of the ones that were really great. Note the contact and phone number. Call them for a reference, a quote and a referral to a few of their colleagues for future gigs. You might also ask to schedule a return gig with them.

  2. Review last years marketing and make note of anything that worked particularly well. Make a list of marketing ideas you wanted to do but never got around to doing. 

  3. Send a note of thanks to all your fans, a separate one to any media folks who gave you coverage and to those who booked you. Just make this a thank you, not a promotional, trying to get a gig note. It will be more sincere without any hype.

  4. Review your leftover merchandise stock and note any items that you need to replenish. As the end of the year approaches you may want to spend some money on these things to take the tax deduction this year if you need it or wait until after January 1st, if that’s better for you tax-wise.

  5. Make an appointment with your accountant to see how you are set financially for your taxes for this year and get any recommendations for things you might do before year’s end.

  6. Buy a big wall calendar for the coming year or any new year planning device of your choice to set up a big picture view of your next year’s plans.

  7. Spend some time brainstorming with team members, band-mates or family, to come up with some new ideas for next year’s touring, marketing and potential special projects like recordings or videos. Mark potential time frames on your calendar to give you momentum throughout the next year.

These 7 steps are a sure-fire way to put the leftover days of this year to great use. The great thing about leftovers in my kitchen is that I can create great meals for many days. I hope you’ll plan ahead for a tasty new year by making great things from leftovers. I know I am.

How do you use these last weeks of the year? Do you have a plan to make great things happen for the new year?

Leave me a comment below.

I can’t wait to hear about your success.

Thanks to Carol Ehrlich for this week’s Biz Booster Graphic Image. check out her work at

Now, Thanks to the Band Curfew from the UK for providing the Biz Booster theme Music, “Future Dance.” 

And for more career boosting tips, articles, books, resources and online courses, visit me at


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