Do you experience gig satisfaction or frustration?
Do you feel a sense of satisfaction when the gig is over? Did you have fun playing? Was it a meaningful gig? Did you really make an impact on your audience?
If you answered “yes” to the above questions, then you are hitting your stride and are finding the right gigs and playing to the right audience. Congratulations!
Or are you frustrated with your gigs lately? Is there a disconnect with the audience? Do you feel like perhaps they may not even be YOUR audience?
Then perhaps you have not identified your true purpose for your art. I’ve seen artists bloom when they are aligned with their true purpose. Identifying their audience becomes much more easy to do when their true purpose for their art is driving their bookings.
Finding the right type of venue where your audience might be becomes easier as well.
Aside from being the thing that feeds your soul and sustains you emotionally and financially, your art may have a higher purpose. Have you thought about that? Have you identified that purpose?
When your work is purpose-driven, it informs every task you do, every goal you set, every challenge you take on. Instead of dreading those booking calls, you relish the opportunity to make them because it brings you closer to the time that your purpose may be fulfilled and your art may touch someone new.
So I ask you this question to help spark some new ideas this week and to help you discover your true purpose for your art:
What can you do today in the service of your art
to help make a difference in someone’s life tomorrow?
When your art and career are purpose-driven, that question gets you out of bed each morning eager to make those calls that get you those great gigs.
This week, begin each day with that question and see what a difference it makes in how you conduct your business. But first, spend some time to focus in on your purpose. Get some real clarity about the work you are really doing with your art and talent. It is sure to decrease any frustration you may have and to increase the number of gigs you will find satisfying. I hope you discover how to make each gig much more than just a gig.
Have you discovered your life’s purpose through your art? Do you experience gig satisfaction or frustration? Is your art serving a higher good?
Leave me a comment below for this post or on the Performingbiz Success Strategies Facebook page
I can’t wait to hear about your success.
Now, Thanks to the Band Curfew from the UK for providing the Biz Booster Theme Music, “Future Dance.” Check them out at
And for more career boosting tips, articles, books, resources, tele-seminars and online courses, visit me at