This Monday I sent out a Biz Booster that focused on your greatest challenge. Today, pianist Laura Dean shared her reaction to Monday’s Biz Booster, and I just had to share it with you. Here’s what Laura wrote: Dear Jeri, On Monday, your Biz Booster Tip asked us to identify the one thing that is getting in our way of being truly successful. After some thought, I was able to identify that one thing and thought I would share. It is the organization of tasks that I have to deal with: writing and emailing press releases, sending contracts, staying on top of my marketing material, rehearsing my shows, booking airline tickets, etc. etc. – I don’t really have one system in place for dealing with this deluge of tasks, everything is in several different files, a laptop, a computer, notebooks, etc. Not to mention, I am a prolific idea person, so I have pages and pages of musings about marketing ideas, future programs, etc. I am quite an organized person, but I don’t have one system in place for dealing with all of this stuff! But it was all in tidy piles. 🙂 After listening to your biz booster. I decided to do something about this haphazard system. I have gathered everything together and spent several hours over the past couple of days putting my tasks and notes into one program that syncs with all of electronic devices. I am organizing my promo material both in hard copy form and on the computer, so it is easy to email or mail. Next, I will tackle my filing system so I can easily put my finger on the file for each performance in a tour. I have your set of forms, so that really helps to organize things. I am already feeling better just having taken this task on. In the next couple of days, all systems should be in place for smooth marketing, phoning, contract mailing, etc. Looking forward to getting rid of funky sized envelopes, outdated marketing material, and everything that is not of use to me anymore. I love your book and your biz booster tips. Thanks for your great work. Laura Dean, pianist Thank you, Laura, for sharing your success story. If you have a success story to share, please post it here or drop me an email: