Getting help in the office is something with which many artists struggle. Here is a four-part series to cover four aspects of this topic.
This one can get sticky. The debate rages on whether or not it’s a good idea to hire friends or family. There are many famous music families who have made it work for them, but I’ll leave this one to your better judgment.
This week I want to talk about first understanding your needs and how to best use help to advance your business. Next week, I’ll talk about how and where to find help.
First: Make a list of everything you do in your business. This is important to know so you can determine what you should not be doing or what are the most likely jobs to delegate.
Second: Take a piece of paper and make 2 columns.
Look at the list you’ve just made and put all of the non-income producing jobs in column 2 and all of the income producing jobs in column 1. Now we all know that everything you do will eventually influence your income, but for clarity, let’s separate those things that immediately impact your livelihood and should not be delegated to someone new on your team.
Here are some examples of Income Producing jobs:
a. Speaking directly to bookers and negotiating your gigs
b. Hiring side musicians
c. Making publishing or recording deals
d. Hiring promotions or publicity companies
Here are some examples of Non-Income producing jobs:
Non-Income producing, but very important jobs are:
a. Sending contracts and promo materials to gigs and media
b. Creating promo materials
c. Updating websites
d. Sending tour itineraries to trade magazines
e. Calling media outlets to set up interviews
f. Researching new gig opportunities
g. Cold calling to get details of potential gigs but not negotiating the deal
h. Managing your mailing list
i. Writing press materials
j. Ordering merchandise or supplies
I think you get the idea.
Now take all the non-income producing jobs and create a job description from those items. You may have others that are specific to your needs, so add those to the description.
When you first have someone coming to work for you, these non-income producing jobs are a great way to get to know each other and accomplish a great deal. It lets you concentrate on the important jobs of booking your gigs and managing your career.
Next week: Getting help in your office Part Two, Where to Find Help.
Are you ready to have some help running your career? Have you identified all the tasks you would like someone to help you with?
Leave me a comment below
I can’t wait to hear about your success.
Thanks to Carol Ehrlich for this week’s graphic image. Check out her work at
And thanks to the band Curfew, for providing the Biz Booster Theme Music, “Future Dance”
And for more career boosting tips, articles, books, resources, tele-seminars, online courses, visit me at
Thanks for addressing this, Jeri! I’ve recently found myself saying, “I would love some help with “office” work. Actually, I would LOVE a team! Thanks for the simple yet clarifying tip today about how to start preparing for bringing assistance on board!
Hey Martha, Great to hear from you. Keep watching for the rest of this series as it will touch on all the aspects you need to be aware of as you move through this process of finding your team. Good luck. You know you can do it!
Thanks for all your wisdom Jeri! I also have been wanting to hire an assistant. I might have found the person. Making a list is a great way to do it. My question is, she is a young woman with a degree in marketing. I offered to pay $15 an hour, 2 hours or so a week to start. Would that be considered internship? She said she was just hired as an intern at a company for $15 an hour, 20 or so hours a week.
Hi Paula,
Thanks for you question. An internship might imply a full time job in the future or a specifically short term job with a beginning and end predetermined, such as summer internships. They usually are designed to give the “intern” experience in the specific field as they eventually make applications to a full time position in that field. You can call this an internship if those applying are using this as a stepping stone to a more full time position elsewhere. I would simply call it part-time with potential for more hours since you may not be considering a full time position ever.
Hope that helps.
OK, thanks very much!