Get to your main point fast in all your communications.
In order to have your messages read and acted upon, you must decide what the main point of every message is and put it up front.
I read tons of bios, web sites, press releases, email campaigns, newsletters, blog posts, letters of introduction, proposals and, well, you name it. Most writers have trouble identifying their main message and then once they stumble upon the main point, it gets buried in the 3rd or 4th paragraph.
Everything you write on behalf of your act deserves consideration and attention to determine what it is that you are asking of the reader.
There are two main things to consider:
1. What information do you want them to get from this message?
2. What action do you want them to take after reading this message?
I also think it would help you, when crafting your message, to fit the message into a category.
Suggested Categories:
a. Booking
b. Marketing
c. Selling Merchandise
d. General Information
Once you determine which category your message fits into, it is much easier to get to the point of your message.
As an example, if you are writing an email campaign to get bookings, then put that point up front. Come right out and state your intent rather than beating around the bush or mixing your message with other non-related items. State your intent and then build your case around your main message.
If you want a reviewer to review a new recording, ask them up front. Then tell them why they should review it by sharing information about the recording, the players and the production.
When you bury the main point, you have a greater chance of causing the reader to lose interest before they get to the main point.
From now on, make your messages count, by thinking about the main point of each message and then feature it up front. Support your main point with valuable information to continue to build your case for what you are asking of the reader.
You will find your readers are much more receptive to your messages and your messages are less confusing, more focused and more successful.
Do you get to your main point fast in your messages? How might you improve your messaging by placing the main point up front from now on?
Now, Thanks to the Band Curfew from the UK for providing the Biz Booster theme Music, “Future Dance.”
And for more career boosting tips, articles, books, resources, tele-seminars and online courses, visit me at
Coming soon: Get Great Gigs Podcast
Excellent adcise. I include the intent in the subject line: “Johnny Cash Tribute Band, Mighty Cash Cats, for your Event” I name the event: “for the Rancho Cucamonga Summer Festival” Then I include it in the first line of the email. “Mighty Cash Cats, who the LA weekly called USA’s #1 Johnny Cash Tribute, would love to be a part of the Rancho Cucomonga Summer Concert Series” Then I do my sales pitch.