The idea of fitting in or standing out was once again sparked by re-listening to Seth Godin’s book, The Purple Cow.
So often I speak with artists who are working so hard to be just like someone they admire or who has already reached a level of notoriety. As I dig more deeply into the artist’s life and career during coaching sessions, I begin to discover their uniqueness, the thing that sets them apart from the rest of the artists in their field.
As we explore these talents or personality traits or mannerisms or performance methods, it becomes clear to them that they left these qualities behind in order to “fit in.” But, as The Purple Cow reminded me, that is a direct route to obscurity and often times failure.
This week, I’d like to remind you look for those unique qualities that set you apart and highlight them. Rediscover your quirkiness and let it shine. Dig out the outfit you thought was too much and wear it again in your new promo photo shoot. Rewrite your bio to bring the information you buried in the 6th paragraph to the forefront now realizing that was the most intriguing bit. Concentrate your talents on the talent that only you can do as well as you do.
Don’t be afraid to get people talking either in the positive or the negative. If they are talking about you to other people, then they are not talking about someone else. Give them something to talk about.
I’ve continually suggested to you that when you narrow your focus on a much smaller segment of a larger audience and discover your specific niche, you immediately expand your audience. I know, it sounds counter-intuitive. Narrow your focus and expand your market! When you get comfortable with the idea that you should NOT try to appeal to everyone, but do your damnedest to appeal to exactly the right people, you will experience the growth of a loyal fan base. The only way to do this is to focus on the niche that specifically cherishes that thing that makes you special to them and helps you stand out from the rest.
As Seth Godin says, “fitting in is boring.”
Do you really want to be boring? Boring doesn’t sell tickets to shows or sell CDs and other merchandise.
Boring doesn’t Get Great Gigs.
Take the much needed time out of your crazy-busy day or week and make it priority number one to rediscover what makes you stand out from the crowd. Begin to reincorporate the “stand out thing” back into your persona, your act, your music and your career.
If there is a question of fitting in or standing out, which one would you choose?
Just imagine what your life would be like if you embraced that uniqueness, stood head and shoulders above the rest and became the remarkable artist you were meant to be. I am imagining it right now, can you? Here’s to you being remarkable!
Are you fitting in or standing out? How is that working for you? How might you change that to help boost your career?
Leave me a comment below or on the Performingbiz Success Strategies Facebook page
I can’t wait to hear about your success.
Now, Thanks to the Band Curfew from the UK for providing the Biz Booster theme Music, “Future Dance.” Check them out at
And for more career boosting tips, articles, books, resources, tele-seminars and online courses, visit me at