Exciting News I wanted to share!
I am very excited to share some exciting news that began this summer and is about to come to fruition this month. In June, I was contacted by Dave Kusek, Creator of the New Artist Model, an online training platform for independent artists. He was also the founder of Berklee Online, Co-Author of the book, Future of Music, and one of the people who brought you MIDI, yes that MIDI. He was interested in some of my material, especially my online booking course. They wanted someone to teach that ever-challenging subject, How to Book Gigs. C’est moi! I loved what he was doing, the platform and the courses he was already offering, so we teamed up to create the video version of my booking course. I spent all of August and part of September reworking my online booking course to prep it for video production. In September, I spent nearly two weeks in the Boston area video recording the new course, How to Book Gigs & Tour Profitably. I’m sharing this with you now so you can be among the first to get in on the new course and to check out the other great courses offered on the New Artist Model platform. The first session of my course will launch later this month. We will be doing a Free Webinar on Tuesday, November 19th at 1 pm eastern to preview some of the content and tell you about all the bonuses that will go with the course. You can get on the list to get info and get a free e-book I put together just for this occasion. Check out the info and sign on to receive the upcoming notifications for the webinar: 4 Proven Strategies to Book Better GigsThe other courses being offered along with my Booking Course are: Tuesday, November 19th at 1 pm eastern
I’ll have more information for you as we get closer, but I really wanted you to get a head start and get on their email notification list early. I hope to see you on the webinar, and I can’t wait to share more of this exciting news with you over the next month. Cheers, I can’t wait to hear about your success.
And for more career boosting tips, articles, books, resources, tele-seminars and online courses, visit me at Performingbiz.com
Revised 4th Edition Now Available
How To Be Your Own Booking Agent