Here’s a tip on how to maximize your email campaigns to media contacts.
I hope you have separated your media list from your fan and venue booker lists. One great way to build your media contact list is to simply ask each venue booker for your newly contracted gigs, to refer you to 3 print, radio and TV contacts they deal with, appropriate for your act. I used to collect these contacts on my Information Form which was sent with my contract. When the contract came back, I had the start of my media list for that venue in plenty of advance time to make early contact.
Once you have the contacts on your list, you can create a series of emails that update the media with press release information, links to specific pages on your site for downloads, mp3s, videos or other important media-worthy news items about your act.
These can be pre-set and timed for release at strategic intervals prior to the performance date. If you gather the contact information with the returned contract, you can set up the email campaign months ahead of the tour. Now you won’t ever have to claim that you missed a deadline.
Mapping out your email campaign provides you with an opportunity to insert specific information, invitations and schedule interviews at timely intervals to meet your media goals.
A pre-set and pre-planned campaign can be used in multiple markets over and over again when using an email marketing service that allows you to imbed codes to personalize each email like first Name, email address, name of city, venue and other pertinent, venue-specific information.
Once the email is written, all details are merged appropriately and you’ve done the work once and well in advance of the tour dates. No more rushing to catch up or meet a deadline.
If you plan a series of emails to each media outlet for each date, you never feel like you are being a pest and better yet, THEY never feel like you are being a pest.
You can also leave room to add any brand new news that occurs during the campaign to keep your email completely current.
Here are the takeaways:
- Consistent, timely contact with the media, offering relevant news-worthy information they can include in their media source, increases your media recognition in the market and then increases ticket sales at the venue.
- Pre-planned email campaigns, can help you avoid missing media deadlines and become more professional, more timely, more consistent and build a greater media presence everywhere you tour.
Have you tried pre-planning an email campaign to media prior to your tour? How might that help you manage your media connections and impact in any given market?
Leave me a comment below or on the Performingbiz Success Strategies Facebook page
I can’t wait to hear about your success.
Now, Thanks to the Band Curfew from the UK for providing the Biz Booster theme Music, “Future Dance.” Check them out at
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