Connect with presenting organizations close to home to find great resources in your state, region or country. Ohio Arts Professionals Network – OAPN, can help you take your performance game to new levels.
In this episode, I’m speaking with the Executive Director of the Ohio Arts Professionals Network. This is a network of presenting organizations, artist, agents, and managers who rely on for statewide resources and connections to present the performing arts throughout Ohio. As most presenting organizations, OAPN has had to adjust their programming due to the COVID-19 pandemic. So, I wanted to speak with Jessica Rosenblatt to find out just what Presenter Networks like OAPN are dealing with to give you the inside scoop.
Jessica Rosenblatt Interview – Episode 009
If you have topics that are challenging you in your career and would like to suggest a topic for future podcasts, please leave your suggestions in the comments section below or on the Get Great Gigs Podcast website.
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You can find the show notes for each episode on the Get Great Gigs website:
Each new episode will be live on Monday morning, just like my Biz Booster Hot Tips.
Next week I’ll be speaking with Aengus Finnan, the Executive Director of Folk Alliance International. As one of the founding members of this organization, I’m excited to hear how Folk Alliance has been re-imagining it’s programing and advocating for its world-wide community of folk and acoustic music entertainment professionals.
Now check out this week’s interview: Jessica Rosenblatt Interview – Episode 009
Stay well, be creative and keep smiling behind your mask!
Thanks to Carol Ehrlich for designing the Get Great Gigs website and this week’s graphic image.
Check out her work at