How do you connect with industry professionals like agents, managers, radio DJs, festival, venue, and house concert talent buyers within the folk community?
Report: Performing Arts Industry Joined forces Wednesday, March 18th where 900 performing arts professionals came together to face the COVID-19 impact on our industry. I've included the replay of this webinar link below as well as a survey from the Association of Performing Arts Presenters gathering data about lost of income due to cancellations. Please fill it out as they are building a case to take to Congress. Speaking and participating were independent artists, small and large arts organization, agents, managers, presenting organizations, arts councils, arts advocacy organizations and regional and national arts organizations. Some speakers shared their stories of cancellations and even complete shutdowns of performing seasons and world-wide…
Yes, it is conference season for performing arts centers—August, September, October, November, and of course January. This means booking conferences like Arts Northwest, + and Arts Midwest which just passed, and in January, the big conference in the US, Arts Presenters. In Europe there is Womex and in Canada, many province-wide conferences occur along with Capacoa and Cinars, a biennale conference. Along with the major conferences, many state and provincial arts councils also host conferences. So, if you are not yet ready for the bigger conferences, check out those closer to home by reviewing your state presenter's network or arts council website. If you have never attended a booking conference, then…
There is a fine line between professional prodding and being a pest. Those everyday check-in calls can put a booker off, yet make only one call and never follow up and you get nowhere. So you might try this alternative method of getting your name in front of a venue booker, festival, director, library or school coordinator or presenting organizational program organizer.Begin a process of inviting these potential gig buyers to gigs you already have scheduled at nearby venues. This invitation has a number of advantages.It lets them know you are out there playing. This gives them an opportunity to check the schedule of the upcoming gig venue and even call the venue to talk with the programmer.It is a kind way…