
Did You Have Contracts for Your Cancelled Gigs

– Posted in: Biz Booster Hot Tip! Contracts

Did you have contracts for your cancelled gigs? Were your contracts written or verbal? Do you have a standard contract that you use all the time whether it is a long form legal contract or a simple Letter of Agreement or Letter of Confirmation? Do you send that along after every confirming phone call or email with your buyer, booker or presenting organization? Hmmm, I can’t hear your definitive YES! to all the above questions. A little louder please. OK, I’m just pushing your buttons and hopefully this Biz Booster will offer some valuable information about a specific contract clause and issues you may be experiencing during this spring of…

We Didn’t Get Your Contract

– Posted in: Contracts Training & Classes
How to Book Gigs and Tour Profitably

"We didn't get your contract." Those are words you hate to hear!   But sometimes they get lost, or you forget to mail them or email them.   Hasn't happened to you, yet? To avoid hearing those word, you need to Advance Your Tour dates from now on. It's not magic and it's not rocket science. It's just a system of tracking your contracts, when they were sent, when they came back and then touching base with each venue in a strategic order to ensure all the details for your upcoming gig at their venue are in place. What, not issuing contracts? We need to talk!   Had you been advancing…