I’ve been writing and recording Biz Booster Hot Tips for 4 years now.If you’ve been following these Hot Tips, I hope you have found some valuable information to incorporate into your business. Now I’d love to hear about your success and I’d love for you to share your success with others so they may learn from your efforts.If you have a success story, please post it below so we all may see how you’ve taken a Biz Booster and put it to use in your business.Thanks for sharing.Jeri
Biz Booster Success Stories
Getting Organized
August 25, 2010 – Posted in: Biz Booster Success StoriesThis Monday I sent out a Biz Booster that focused on your greatest challenge. Today, pianist Laura Dean shared her reaction to Monday's Biz Booster, and I just had to share it with you. Here's what Laura wrote: Dear Jeri, On Monday, your Biz Booster Tip asked us to identify the one thing that is getting in our way of being truly successful. After some thought, I was able to identify that one thing and thought I would share. It is the organization of tasks that I have to deal with: writing and emailing press releases, sending contracts, staying on top of my marketing material, rehearsing my shows, booking airline…
Niche Marketing Success Story
May 27, 2010 – Posted in: Biz Booster Success StoriesIn a recent Biz Booster Hot Tip: Creating Your Own Niche Market, I shared some ideas about how you might discover the benefits of booking performances in a specific niche. Right after that Biz Booster ran, I received a wonderful success story from a Booking & Touring course student. Sharman Petri describes how her artist, Gabrielle Louise, has tapped into her niche market to expand her bookings. Here's her story: "I thought I'd relay a quick success story that ties in with this week's niche booking Biz Booster. I book performing songwriter, Gabrielle Louise. In the past eighteen months and over 50,000 tour miles, Gabrielle has spared the atmosphere of…
Boost Media & Gigs
March 28, 2010 – Posted in: Biz Booster Success StoriesJoel Laviolette of Rattletree Marimba shares his success story after using a Biz Booster Hot Tip from July 21. Maximize Your Tours-Part Two: Monthly Media Methods. Hi Jeri, Thanks for your hard work and gift to the music community! I've been meaning to write to let you know that the tip that you gave in response to my question about touring in the same markets and how to build success was great. You mentioned getting in touch with non-profits. Well, I have three gigs lined up in which we'll be giving "awareness" to the non-profits (Ha! I am providing them an "exposure gig" with no pay! The tables have turned!!).…