Boost Media & Gigs

– Posted in: Biz Booster Success Stories

Joel Laviolette of Rattletree Marimba shares his success story after using a Biz Booster Hot Tip from July 21. Maximize Your Tours-Part Two: Monthly Media Methods.

Hi Jeri,

Thanks for your hard work and gift to the music community! I’ve been meaning to write to let you know that the tip that you gave in response to my question about touring in the same markets and how to build success was great. You mentioned getting in touch with non-profits. Well, I have three gigs lined up in which we’ll be giving “awareness” to the non-profits (Ha! I am providing them an “exposure gig” with no pay! The tables have turned!!). Benefits to this have included a mention on PSAs, public radio interviews (them calling me!!), getting on a bill for a world music festival put on by the same non-profit that we are helping, and opening up the university markets for teaching workshops. In short, your tip was awesome!

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