Whether you do a weekly live streaming event, or are safely performing some live concerts, we are coming upon the best weekend of the year for gigs. Let me explain.
For years, I’ve talked about Thanksgiving weekend as being the best weekend of the year for gigging.
Well this year those live gigging opportunities are not available, for the most part. You may find an innovative venue here and there set up to present safe and COVID conscientious gigs, but they are slim and far from available in every town.
So, the next best opportunity this year, is for a streaming gig.
Most of you have gained tons of new tech skills over these last eight months and many even have a regular streaming event set each week or each month.
I still contend, that Thanksgiving is going to be the best weekend for gigging this year as well, only this year live streaming is the way to go.
Check out this week’s episode – Best Weekend of the Year for Gigging Streaming or Live
If you have topics that are challenging you in your career and would like to suggest a topic for future podcasts, please leave your suggestions in the comments section below or on the Get Great Gigs Podcast website.
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The podcast is live on most podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, iTunes and many others.
You can find the show notes for each episode on the Get Great Gigs website: https://getgreatgigs.com
Each new episode will be live on Monday morning, just like my Biz Booster Hot Tips.
Next week I’ll be speaking with Doug & Telisha Williams, a.k.a., Wild Ponies as we talk about their amazing and unexpected new project that they are launching throughout the streets of Nashville.
Now check out this week’s episode:
Best Weekend of the Year for Gigging Streaming or Live
Stay well, be creative and keep smiling behind your mask!
Thanks to Carol Ehrlich for designing the Get Great Gigs website and this week’s graphic image. Check out her work at v360.com