Arts Advocacy Resources You Might Have Missed

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In an effort to keep track of some of the various arts advocacy information that might impact you,

I’m passing along important messages and resources that come to me.

Here are a few that relate to the current events of the last week along with COVID information impacting artists.

The first is a powerful statement issued last week from 
APAP – Association of Performing Arts Presenters.

A Message of Solidarity

Next, Ross Sutter shared a Webinar with me, Co-sponsored by Minnesota Citizens for the Arts, the Children’s Theater Company, and the Minnesota Theater Alliance with Dr. Osterholm, an internationally respected epidemiologist. He takes questions from Minnesota’s arts community.

Webinar Link

At 33 minutes the moderator is asking specifically about arts schedules, summer festivals etc.

This is information we should have been receiving, but have not. It is sobering but necessary. I hope you will watch it all the way through.
As you begin planning into your future, the information Dr. Osterholm shares ought to be considered.
Stay well, stay creative, stay engaged.
What have you been working on over the last week or so? I’ve heard from a number of artists about their at home production studies, a living room black box theater and so much more.
Keep it up!
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