Booking & Touring
Success Strategies & Secrets
It’s time to get a few new booking strategies under your belt to increase future gig bookings. During the next few days I’ll send you some of my very best strategies to help turn your booking woes into booking wows by using 4 Top Touring Patterns to Boost Gigs.
Touring Pattern # 1: Prosperity Touring Pattern
Once you get this one down pat, you can use it as a template every time and everywhere you plan a tour. This is a “center-out” pattern that begins with a home base of support and expands in concentric circles or ovals outward to nearby towns.

This Prosperity Touring Pattern provides you with a number of benefits.
1. Build a loyal support base.
Whether you are just getting started or have been at it for a while, having a solid base of support to start from, is key to building loyal fans. Whether you select your own home town as your base or another location that offers easy access to nearby towns, using this Prosperity Touring Pattern is efficient and effective to help build great tours.
2. Save on travel expenses.
By touring to towns within a radius of 20, 40 or 50 miles away, you can return home after the gig. Dollars normally spent on travel expenses like hotel can be put to use on other aspects of your career.
3. Build media relations in nearby towns.
Once you develop good relationships with your home town media, you can use them as a reference to media sources the next town over. Often, media like radio and TV will cover larger areas that include towns within your oval pattern.
4. Create a template for other markets.
Use this pattern as a template when planning tours in other other markets of support as you expand out from your central location or even in strategic markets some distance away.
5. Develop new audiences
This Prosperity Touring Pattern can become your best audience development strategy. Your local fans can easily encourage their nearby friends and family to come to a show in their town just 20 or so miles away. It’s easy for fans to travel to those nearby gigs to show their support.
Begin right away using this Prosperity Pattern to reduce your expenses, build your audience and media support and get more gigs locally.
Do this now:
Get a piece paper, tracing paper or best yet a transparency sheet and draw or print a series of concentric ovals. OR Get a series of concentric circles online or from a favorite program. Then overlay the sheet or your lines on a map with your home town. Now you can see all the nearby towns that fall within each oval.
When you begin to plan tour dates that include those towns, you’ll be on your way to creating a solid home base of loyal fans, numerous gigs and better income. I can’t wait to hear how you have used your Prosperity Touring Pattern.
I’ll share another Touring Pattern with you in two days that will help take this Prosperity Touring Pattern to a whole other level.
Leave me a comment below and let me know if this was helpful.
Jeri Goldstein